Meanwhile, an apparently newly formed congregation of Hells Angels, many from Ohio but never previously represented in large strengths in central Indiana, was joined by other bikers, including the Black Pistons of Michigan, outside of a clubhouse location south of downtown.Īt both locations, and at a South Meridian Street bar, IMPD patrol officers, motorcycle units, state and federal agents as well as a department helicopter, kept watch on the varied groups. Nazi or White supremacist patches are also common with members.Two long established Indianapolis biker gangs with approximately motorcycles representing the Sons of Silence, the Outlaws and other allies, partnered up at a southeast side rally location before dispersing in small groups of a dozen or so riders to head for bars throughout the east side early Saturday afternoon. The logo is embroided onto the back of all members' jackets or vests. The Sons of Silence's logo is an American Eagle superimposed over the letter "A" (similar to, and taken from, the Budweiser logo) flying under an arch and their motto is "donec mors non separat ", Latin for "until death separates us". In November 2007, a Viernheim chapter was founded.

In 2001, more German chapters were founded in Freising, Gangkofen and Nurnberg. The first foreign chapter was founded in Munich, Germany in 1998. There are now American chapters in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississipi, North Dakota and Wyoming. The first chapter outside of Colorado was the Iowa chapter which was founded in 1968.

The Sons of Silence Motorcycle Club (SOSMC) is a one-percenter motorcycle gang that was founded in Niwot, Colorado in the United States in 1966. Territory : Midwestern and Southern United States, and Southern Germany Les noms de produits, marques déposées, marques commerciales ou noms de sociétés mentionnés ici ne sont utilisés que dans un but d'identification et demeurent la propriété de leurs détenteurs RFT online présente du contenu parfois susceptible de choquer les mineurs tout en restant cependant dans les limites des productionsĪudiovisuelles pour tout public et des publicités diffusées dans la presse généraliste nationale et internationale.ĭans le respect des lois du copyright, de la propriété intellectuelle, du droit à l'image et ou d'un certain sens moral, tout contenu jugé illicite ou irrévérencieux sera retiré sur simple Merci de bien vouloir nous confirmer les sources manquantes lorsqu'elles sont portées à votre connaissance. Lorsque ces sources n'ont pas été clairement définies, lesĪrticles portent la mention "sources : inconnues". Les sources de ces documents, lorsqu'elles sont connues, sont mentionnées à la fin de chaque article. Les documents (images ou textes) diffusés sur le blog Radical Flat Twin sont publiés à titre informatif et culturel.